Food allergies and intolerances are pretty common nowadays and those who have to pick their way around the obstacles often have a ‘free from’ section in a local supermarket to scour their way through. Often, but not always, these foods can be dissapointing and depending on what you need to avoid they can also be pretty limited.

Personally, I have to avoid:

  • All nuts except almonds and hazelnuts
  • Mustard
  • Avocado*
  • Banana*
  • Kiwi*
  • Chestnuts*
  • Mushrooms

*Latex food group

Things that I can have once in a while without the risk of death:

  • Wheat (not gluten. Wheat.)
  • Cows milk
  • Eggs

You may well think, that’s not so bad. But have you ever closely read the ingredients on some foods?

I could buy a wheat, dairy and egg free savoury pie but then it contains mustard or mushroom.
I could also buy a wheat, dairy and egg free cake, but it contains nuts.
I could buy a smoothie, but it contains banana.

I’ve noticed over the years people scoff and claim it’s all in her head, or, she’ll be fine, or you’re just being fussy.

Seriously people! I cannot stress this enough. If someone doesn’t want to eat something don’t force it on them. They may be being polite and don’t want to harp on about the list of foods they can’t eat. It isn’t a choice to buy teeny tiny loaves of bread or have to scrupulousy read the ingredient list on food you really want to eat. We would love NOT to have to check there’s something we can have before agreeing to go to a restaurant and then have to ask a member of staff as to whether they have separate ovens/fryers for the gluten free items. It’s frustrating that we have to scan across the allergen menus and discover the only thing that we can have is a frickin’ salad but in my case, have to ask for it without avocado.

After we’ve indulged on the foods we can have every now and again, we feel drained, our new best buddy is our loo, and our skin is blotchy and peely, it REALLY has to be worth it.

Mine would have to be cheese and crusty french bread. The dashes to the loo a few hours later and a general fug in the air is so worth it.

What is your worth it food of choice?

Ally xx